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But Does It Rhyme? is blog by poets whose work is published by Richer Resources Publications.

Here’s who we are:

  • Sherry Weaver Smith (SherrysKnowledgeQuest) received an MPhil in Politics at the University of Oxford. She was a Pushcart Prize nominee in 2008 and is currently a grant writer and editor for an educational nonprofit in California. Her book Land Shapes: Selected Haiku Poems, with paintings by Sylvia Van Strijthem, is available here.

  • Kevin Taylor (Poet-ch'i) is a West Coast, Canadian poet whose  work has been published extensively in electronic and print journals. Souls Arriving, a collection of his poetry, was published in 2007. His new book, Between Music and Dance, is available here.

  • Charan Sue Wollard (LivermoreLit) is the Poet Laureate of Livermore, California. Her poetry and short stories have been published in numerous anthologies and literary magazines, and her artwork has appeared in local and regional shows. Her book In My Other Life: Poems and Paintings is available here.

  • Sally Zakariya is the poetry editor for Richer Resources Publications. A former magazine editor, she is a freelance writer and publication specialist whose articles have appeared in numerous magazines and books. Articles about her work can be seen here and here. Her books, Insectomania and Arithmetic, are available here and here.